Getting to the Point by Jean (Mincey) Mausehund

by Jean (Mincey) Mausehund

Last week the big news was the blast of winter; this week the news is rain and more rain. By Tuesday afternoon the rain gauge registered 4-1/2 inches of the wet stuff. Most of the periods of rain were steady but not too heavy. However, a couple of times it was like Niagra Falls coming off the roof into the down spouts. Surely, ponds will experience some recovery from the drought for the last few months as will many creeks. But don’t count on any more big rains for awhile.
On Sunday the 23rd after church services, the members and friends held a lunch and a “Welcome Little Pumpkin” baby shower for Colter, son of Asa and Janae.
Several communities in the area held the “Trunks for Treats” event as a safe and sane way to celebrate Halloween. Some kids settle for boughten costumes, but it is good to see that many of them (or with the help of parents) still get inventive with homemade costumes. All that reminds me of when I was five and my grandmother dressed me as a “half angel/half devil” wearing a white robe, wings, a halo hung on one of the two red horns, and a red tail. I carried a glittery harp and a red pitchfork–and walked away with first prize in the Willows, California, Halloween parade.
Dates to keep in mind:
October 30 The service at Good Shepherd Home has been cancelled due to Covid case. However, so far the evening Fifth Sunday Sing is still on the schedule with a meal at 5:30 and singing at 7 p.m.
Sunday, November 6 is the annual wiener road and hay ride–the usual bonfire will depend on whether the burning bans have been lifted. Don’t forget to turn back your clocks before going to bed on the 6th or you will be early for Sunday School or church services.
Wednesday, November 16, is the date for preparing Thanksgiving baskets for the community. Please bring donations of non-perishable foods can be brought to the church on or before that date.
Sunday, December 4, is set for the traditional holiday dinner celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas after morning worship services.